Welcome to a new Razorback Hockey Series following three of our Seniors during the off-season. Chris Bliss, Communications Assistant for Razorback Hockey, has provided in-depth interviews which give a glimpse into the off-season activities of collegiate hockey players. The first interview in this series highlights Johnny Stromp (91). Johnny has been with the program since the 2009-2010 season after arriving at the University of Arkansas from Plano, TX. Johnny boasts 22 goals and 31 assist in 30 games during the 2012-2013 regular season.
Razorback Hockey (RH): What have you been up to this summer?
Johnny: This summer I have been working, golfing, and playing as much hockey that I have time for.
RH: What have you been doing to stay in shape during the off-season?
Johnny : In order to stay in shape I have been playing hockey two to three nights a week, as well as working out occasionally.
RH: What is Coach Gallini’s recommendation regarding what part of your game he wants you to work and focus on for next season?
Johnny: He would love for me to become a leader on this team and improve our communication between myself and him.
RH: Do you have any personal goals this season for improving your game?
Johnny: I have been trying to stay in game form to give our team the best chance come playoff time.
RH: The team has several challenging games. How do you personally approach these games?
Johnny: I approach every game the same way no matter who the opponent is. The key is to have the confidence in yourself and truly believe you can compete with any guy on the other team.
RH: What kind of things do you do to prepare for games?
Johnny: I make sure to eat well and get a good night sleep before game days.
RH: What kind of things do you do to unwind after a game?
Johnny: I’m usually so exhausted after a full game that I just relax for a couple hours before doing anything else.
RH: Traditionally, hockey players are a superstitious bunch, are you superstitious, and if so, what are some of your superstitions?
Johnny: I don’t believe in those little superstitions. I believe that it takes more than a belief in something nonessential to the game to perform well.
RH: You are the SEC-West conference championship for the past four consecutive seasons (09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13). What would it mean to the team to defend their conference championship this year?
Johnny: At this point it’s just something that we must win because we are the dominant team in the SEC.
RH: Most players choose a number to wear that has significance to them (e.g., their favorite player wore it). Tell us the significance of the number 91 you chose to wear.
Johnny: I wear 91 because Sergei Federov was my favorite player when I was growing up and he wore the number 91.